Friday, September 18, 2009

Self to Note

Dear Note, thanks for the heads up on the plants. I did as you instructed and planted them in the terra cotta bowl out front. I think they'll be happy there in the sun. Good call.
In the meantime, I've ducktaped my checkcard to prevent any further unauthorized purchases without my prior approval...although not before you went out and bought 2 packets containing seeds for carrots and green beans. I'm not sure where you planned on growing them, seeing as the dirt around here is as hard as baked clay and not conducive to vegetable gardening.
My instinct tells me you had somehow delusionally planned to grow them in raised beds. How you planned on achieving this is beyond me as I have just told you I drastically cut my hours at work, to which you replied, "How wonderful." My impression is that you were sincere. If so, I would greatly appreciate your cooperation by not sabotaging any efforts on my part to save money.

There's no need to remind me of your joy for playing in the dirt. Need I remind you I share your enthusiasm for plants? For the record, I'm not traumatized by the horrific death of my zuchinis, pumpkin, cucumber, corn, or greenbeans. I'm just reluctant to invest the time and money into another garden until I have the adequate resources to provide for it (time and money-wise). Sharing your vision of a winter garden was thoughtful, but highly ambitious and impractical. You'll have to forgive me if I don't jump on board. I've barely begun my time at home and already you're planning away my days. What gives?


Tara O'Neil said...

Do give up already...your fun has just begun. I see you finally had time to write on your blog congrats!