Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Posted 10:05am

Now that my mornings are free, having been returned to me as a promise of investment, it seems as if I were getting less done than ever before. It's as if the domesticated areas of my life that have been neglected for so long due to school work have, through my neglect, grown wild and untamable without my attention. Now that I have attention to pay them, they are strangling me in a carnivorous and cannibalistic attempt to be moved to the front of my day, top of my list, and consume my time.
I began to carry a notebook around for two days, documenting every action, errand, and task completed in intervals divisible by five, and five only.

6:30-7:00am - Attempt to get out of bed
7:00-7:40am - Get kids ready for school
7:40-8:15am - Drop kids off at school
8:20-8:40am - Walk Daisy
8:45-8:50am - Laundry

I thought this was a great idea to hold myself accountable for how I used my time, see where I really spent most of my energy, and look for ways to cut inefficient uses of time (such as blogging) to get more done in a day. That is, until I began noticing that there were 5 minute increments missing throughout my day.
For example, look at the list and tell me what happened between coming home from dropping the kids off at school and leaving to go for a walk? And what was I doing between getting home from walking the dog and starting my laundry? Where do these invisible, undocumented increments of time go; these minutes that seem to be disappearing before they are even spent? This bothered me so much, that the following day I took even more care to document, to the minute, where I was losing my time (or maybe, my mind).
The discrepancy was even more horrendously apparent than I thought.
And I can come to only one very important conclusion: that you'd have to be farking crazy to document how you spent every minute of your day and that it was in my best interest to stop right. now. before I started concerning someone. Including myself. It's bad enough to know David has to deal with me on a day to day basis, which he does so patiently and lovingly, that I couldn't bear the thought of making him think I was even more crazier than he already knows I am.
That being said, it's taken 27 minutes to write this entry.